Let's hope these particular youngsters learned their lesson. If you are already part of the group and you want a friend to join whom is also of the shota kind, hit up the 'Sign Up' page. We have a gallery dedicated to cubs as well, just in case the norm is not your cup of tea. 'It's just upsetting that kids are familiar with the word rape at such an early age, whether they understand it or not.' Well, 'kids are known for pushing the offensiveness envelope,' says Anna North at Jezebel. We have a wide variety of pictures ranging from the normal, safe, bubbly, cute shota pictures to the all right down to the dirty. District Judge Dean Whipple sentenced Christjan Bee of Monett, Missouri, to three years in prison for 'possessing an obscene image of the sexual abuse of children.' The U.S. But in a way, that's what make this story so 'unsettling.' The kids probably picked it up from television or the internet, and assumed that 'humping and sex is weird and silly' - as children tend to do. 'Likely the children at this school didn't understand what rape means,' says Amy Graff at SF Gate. How did kids even come up with this game? Sprung says he sent the letter 'to quell rumors and speculation,' and thinks his staff has done an 'excellent job' of 'extinguishing the game.' No kids have been spotted playing rape tag since he sent his letter. Sprung says 15 to 20 parents have contacted him, 'some of whom were upset about having to discuss the sensitive topic with their children,' says Wood.